12 Mar 2025


Dell Computer Latitude 3330, Latitude 3340, Latitude 6430u, Latitude E5440, Latitude E5540, Latitude E6230, Latitude E6330, Latitude E6430, Latitude E6430 ATG, Latitude E6440, Latitude E6530, Latitude E6540, Latitude E7240, Latitude E7440, OptiPlex 9020 Win8 Driver

Company: Dell Computer
Model: Latitude 3330, Latitude 3340, Latitude 6430u, Latitude E5440, Latitude E5540, Latitude E6230, Latitude E6330, Latitude E6430, Latitude E6430 ATG, Latitude E6440, Latitude E6530, Latitude E6540, Latitude E7240, Latitude E7440, OptiPlex 9020
Operating System: Windows 8,Windows 8 x64 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Rapid_Start_3_0_0_1056_Setup_ZPE.exe


Dell Computer Latitude 3330, Latitude 3340, Latitude 6430u, Latitude E5440, Latitude E5540, Latitude E6230, Latitude E6330, Latitude E6430, Latitude E6430 ATG, Latitude E6440, Latitude E6530, Latitude E6540, Latitude E7240, Latitude E7440, OptiPlex 9020 Driver. Rapid Start Technology Driver File
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 323648 09-08-13 20:49 DIFxAPI.dll 8168 09-08-13 20:49 Drivers/x32/irstrtdv.cat 3471 09-08-13 20:49 Drivers/x32/irstrtdv.inf 17080 09-08-13 20:49 Drivers/x32/irstrtdv.sys 8210 09-08-13 20:49 Drivers/x64/irstrtdv.cat 3475 09-08-13 20:49 Drivers/x64/irstrtdv.inf 20192 09-08-13 20:49 Drivers/x64/irstrtdv.sys 7680 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/ar/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 8192 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/bg/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/cs/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/da/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/de/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 8704 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/el/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/es/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/et/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/fi/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/fr/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/fr-CA/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/he/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/hr/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/hu/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 13312 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/IntelButton.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/it/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7680 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/ja/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/ko/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/lt/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/lv/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 130048 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/Microsoft.Win32.TaskScheduler.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/nl/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/no/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/pl/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/pt/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/pt-br/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 711584 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/RapidStartConfig.exe 210 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/RapidStartConfig.exe.config 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/ro/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 8192 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/ru/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/sl/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/sr/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/sv/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 1065 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/Task Scheduler License.txt 8704 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/th/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 7168 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/tr/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 6656 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/zh-cn/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 6656 09-08-13 20:49 GUI/zh-Hant/RapidStartConfig.resources.dll 40408 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ar-SA/license.txt 23040 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ar-SA/setup.exe.dll 46378 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/cs-CZ/license.txt 25600 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/cs-CZ/setup.exe.dll 47718 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/da-DK/license.txt 26112 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/da-DK/setup.exe.dll 50692 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/de-DE/license.txt 27648 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/de-DE/setup.exe.dll 51072 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/el-GR/license.txt 29696 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/el-GR/setup.exe.dll 22644 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/en-US/license.txt 16896 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/en-US/setup.exe.dll 48130 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/es-ES/license.txt 28160 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/es-ES/setup.exe.dll 46872 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/fi-FI/license.txt 25600 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/fi-FI/setup.exe.dll 49024 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/fr-FR/license.txt 29184 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/fr-FR/setup.exe.dll 39676 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/he-IL/license.txt 22016 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/he-IL/setup.exe.dll 45930 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/hr-HR/license.txt 27136 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/hr-HR/setup.exe.dll 48874 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/hu-HU/license.txt 26624 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/hu-HU/setup.exe.dll 49306 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/it-IT/license.txt 27648 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/it-IT/setup.exe.dll 33058 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ja-JP/license.txt 18944 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ja-JP/Setup.exe.dll 35086 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ko-KR/license.txt 18432 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ko-KR/setup.exe.dll 46620 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/nb-NO/license.txt 26112 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/nb-NO/setup.exe.dll 49388 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/nl-NL/license.txt 28160 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/nl-NL/setup.exe.dll 50908 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/pl-PL/license.txt 26624 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/pl-PL/setup.exe.dll 46976 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/pt-BR/license.txt 26624 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/pt-BR/setup.exe.dll 48188 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/pt-PT/license.txt 27648 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/pt-PT/setup.exe.dll 46956 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ro-RO/license.txt 27648 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ro-RO/setup.exe.dll 50020 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ru-RU/license.txt 25088 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/ru-RU/setup.exe.dll 47124 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/sk-SK/license.txt 26112 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/sk-SK/setup.exe.dll 44970 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/sl-SI/license.txt 26112 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/sl-SI/setup.exe.dll 47324 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/sv-SE/license.txt 25088 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/sv-SE/setup.exe.dll 45824 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/th-TH/license.txt 24576 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/th-TH/setup.exe.dll 48016 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/tr-TR/license.txt 26624 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/tr-TR/setup.exe.dll 30360 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/zh-CN/license.txt 15872 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/zh-CN/Setup.exe.dll 30572 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/zh-TW/license.txt 16384 09-08-13 20:49 Lang/zh-TW/Setup.exe.dll 6612 09-08-13 20:49 mup.xml 783264 09-08-13 20:34 Service/irstrtsv.exe 4568 09-08-13 20:49 Service/Readme.txt 367 09-08-13 20:49 setup.cfg 1270176 09-08-13 20:49 setup.exe 4442 09-12-13 17:01 setup.if2 519232 09-08-13 20:49 x64/DIFxAPI.dll 144896 09-08-13 20:49 x64/Drv64.exe 1065 09-12-13 17:58 Version.txt -------- ---- 6226271 112 files

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